Join other volunteers from throughout our community who make up the United Way Southwest Louisiana Community Investment Committee. Our volunteers are entrusted with reviewing the services provided by our partner agencies, considering the community's needs for those services, and analyzing the impact of United Way funding on meeting those needs.

The term for the Community Investment Committee runs from March through May of each year. Ideal volunteers should have a strong desire to make an impact in our community and the flexibility to attend a few weekday meetings. Help us ensure fiscal and program accountability for all agencies receiving United Way
funds while meeting the social needs of our community.

Help ensure the good stewardship our donors expect.


United Way Southwest Louisiana’s Community Investment Committee (CIC) members represent a cross-section of the community in the parishes of Allen, Beauregard, Calcasieu, Cameron and Jefferson Davis. CIC volunteers identify where to invest United Way Southwest Louisiana campaign funds and direct the investment of donor dollars for maximum impact in programs that are successful in providing needed community support.

The CIC volunteers are divided into councils. The volunteers of each council will analyze their assigned agency program(s) and evaluate each program’s effectiveness by attending Program Information Sessions. During the Sessions, agencies give a presentation explaining their program(s) and services and how they will use the investment of United Way funds. Council members are encouraged to ask questions regarding the agency and its program(s).

The Council members caucus after each Program Information Session to discuss their perceptions of the agency and the services provided. The Council Chair prepares a report on each program presented and submits the recommendations to the Community Investment Committee (CIC). This information is used to make funding recommendations based on community needs, community impact and available funds.

Duties Include

• Attend the orientation meeting in March to meet other volunteers and staff members and receive Login Information for e-CImpact.
• Login to e-CImpact to familiarize yourself with the agencies, their clients, missions and programs. Evaluate each program based on the information provided in e-CImpact concerning need, budget, agency soundness, fiscal responsibility and outcome measurements.
• Attend and participate in Program Information Sessions to gain an increased understanding of the Agency’s program operations, address specific questions identified in the program evaluation process, verify program activities and assess performance. Program Information Sessions last approximately one hour per program.
• Attend the May meeting, at which the Council Chairs report to the full Community Investment Committee their findings and recommendations for each Program. The result of this meeting is a recommendation for the United Way Southwest Louisiana Board of Directors regarding funding.
• Keep materials, findings and matters discussed confidentially.

Time Requirements & Conflict of Interest

TIME REQUIREMENTS—Approximately 8-10 hours throughout March and April, including training. Program Information Sessions are conducted virtually.

CONFLICT OF INTEREST – Persons associated with an agency in any capacity receiving or seeking United Way funding should disclose this to staff and the Council Chair. United Way will place volunteers on a Council not dealing with an agency with which they are associated. No person may serve on the Community Investment Committee if they or a member of their immediate family are employed by or currently serving on the Board of Directors of any agency that is currently receiving or seeking a grant from United Way Southwest Louisiana.

First Name
Last Name
Organization or Company
Mailing Address
Zip Code
Phone Number
I am interested in serving on one of the following councils
Do you have a conflict of interest with United Way or one of its Agencies?
If yes, please explain.
Do you currently serve on the Board of Directors or as a volunteer for any United Way Partner Agency?
Please note: No person may serve on the Community Investment Committee if they or a member of their immediate family are employed by or currently serving on the Board of Directors of any agency that is currently receiving or seeking a grant from United Way of SWLA. Please call our office if clarification is needed.
If yes, please list Agency and capacity.
Supervisor signature. Yes, the above has my permission to serve on the Community Investment Committee.
Supervisor signature date